Royal Berry | strawberries from Bemmel
Trintech and Royal Berry have been linked since 2010. At the time, Jan van Genderen bought a tomato nursery that was conversed by Trintech to the cultivation of strawberries. Ranny van Raaij, commercial technical advisor Trintech: With this conversion, the foundation has been laid for many years of cooperation. I got to know Jan van Genderen as a driven entrepreneur who always goes for the highest attainable, something that fits the philosophy of Trintech.
- 15ha outdoor cultivation
- Strawberries on gutters
- Foil greenhouses
- Installation of fresh irrigation water
Continue to grow | 7ha outdoor cultivation
In 2014 Royal Berry expanded with 7 ha of outdoor cultivation of strawberries on racks. By giving several storage silos a new function, we were able to connect this outdoor field largely to the existing installations. For this purpose, directional drilling has been carried out under the public road for the water technical and electrical installations.
In the meantime, the second greenhouse horticulture company, a stone’s throw from the first, had also been purchased. This company has also been conversed by Trintech and made suitable for the cultivation of strawberries.
Expansion 15ha foil greenhouses
In 2018 we expanded this location with 11 ha of foil greenhouses. This was again quite a challenge, given that this plot was located 1 kilometer away. Nevertheless, we have found a solution in consultation with the customer, which makes it possible to provide this cultivation with good irrigation water from the existing water technical space.
All necessary technical installations are housed in one central room, which makes monitoring easy. During that period, we also made preparations for the expansion of the greenhouse complex in 2019. In 2019 we took care of the expansion of 6ha of greenhouses for both water and electrical installations. In 2020 we are working on expanding the outdoor field from 11 foil greenhouses to 15 ha. This expansion will be ready for the new growing season at the beginning of 2021.
Fresh irrigation water in 2021
The first project is also known for 2021. In addition to the completion of the outdoor field, we will also install a new PE pipe for the supply of fresh irrigation water from the central irrigation water pond. This guarantees continuity and reliability for the future, after all, good water is of vital importance.